This is to inform those who sat for the Alex Ekwueme Federal University, Ndufu Ikwo Supplementary examination that the university have released the result of the exam online and below is how you can check the result.
How To Check FUNAI Supplementary Post UTME Result 2018
This is to inform all the candidates that participated in the Supplementary Post – UTME Test of the Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu-Alike, Ikwo (FUNAI) that they can now check their results online.
Check FUNAI Supplementary Post UTME Test Result.
- Go to FUNAI post UTME result checking portal at “Check PUTME Screening Result”
- Enter your “JAMB Registration Number”
- Select your result batch i.e. Supplementary Results.
- Click on Login
- Select your payment option: BankIT (Card payment ) or Generate invoice
- Generate invoice from the portal Proceed to any bank for your payment
- Proceed to any bank with your etranzact invoice number to pay
- Return to the portal and enter your “Etranzact PIN”
- Proceed to check your PUTME screening result.
FUNAI supplementary result checker is N1,000 (one thousand naira only).
Study-Nigeria wishes you all goodluck.